Feb 16, 2008

Ducks In Kansas 07

This is an important picture mostly becasue of the story and the guys in it. Those are 8 count em 8 shovelers (yummy). It was cold again here as you can see but a beautiful fresh snow morning with alot of sun. We were hunting the Kansas river west of manhattan. The guy on the left is Allan Disbrow and the man to his right is his dad Steve who Kelly and I work with. Steve is the Orlan of Kansas in that he has that magical gift of sweet talking land owners into allowing you to hunt. He is very active in hunting and goes pretty much every weekend with his son. The guy to his right is Jim Splichal who is our pheasant connection in Munden KS. I spent two weekends in Munden this year and every time I travel there it is like walking backward in time as we used to go there when we were kids and hunt with Jim. As you can see we are still doing it and I only hope that I can get my own sons up there sometime in the next few years. So back to the shovelers. We had sat there all morning not seeing much but enjoying each others company. We saw them coming early and were prepared for their arrival. As divers do they swung around on the deeks and plopped right in. The mistake they made was all trying to land in the same 3 ft area which caused them to bunch up very tight. When 5 guys unload 15 rounds into a 3 ft area not much gets away and in this case none of em did. The one or two that were still alive had that look of "what the heck just happend" on their face. Being on the river there was a sudden sense of urgency afterward as we all ran out of the blind to get to all of em before they floated off. I mean Nell can realistically only retrieve one at a time right. It was a memorable day something you dont forget....

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