Here is a pic of my first buck ever! I have only been hunting deer for 4 years and only really got into it because of Brad and a few of my friends. I realize it is just a basket rack....... But it was on the last day of Buck season and the only deer we saw that day. Shot him out of the slough by the stock dam on Virg's. I also shot another younger doe with my rifle this year and two more with my muzzleloader. All in all it was a decent year hunting whitetails! I always have a good time when Brad, Tim, and Mark come down and hunt.... whatever it may be.
We should probably thank Virg for all the great hunting ground he owns (THANKS VIRG)!
Tim and Mark..... I have seen some very nice bucks this past year that I know haven't been shot...... should be great hunting next year!
I can't wait for deer season 2008. I bought that nice Tikka .270 almost a year ago and haven't even shot at game with it yet. Really looking forward to posting my first buck on this site!
Not to hammmer you but to post in this forum that you have "only been hunting deer for FOUR years" and this is your first buck can be a dangerous thing....I dont hunt deer but have shot one... a buck LOL
The thing is I have only ever drawn one buck tag before this year...... and had no luck!
Trust me, I could have shot a handful of nice bucks..... yet when you don't have the tag that says you can........ details.
You can hammer all you want..... because I have the sledge!
Adam, Nice basket rack. Your year is coming. You have shot more pounds of deer meat in four years than anyone I know. Bucks-Stop making it to hard. All you have to do is set up in a terrace, go take a leak, come back and a monster buck will be in your cross-hairs. Those of you who know the story understand.
You live in Sodak. Do what Mark does, shoot a provisional buck in the morning then take a bigger mulligan buck in the afternoon. There is no law in that forsaken country of yours. Every man to do as he pleases. Guess thats what happens when you have a good REPUBLICAN Governer.
Thanks for the advice Brad, as you are really the only one "qualified" to give it! Oh and for the record Mark's "first" Buck was smaller then mine.......
Yeah no comment on the mulligan buck!
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