Here are some pictures of fishing from our dock at the lake. Walleyes from the dock have been small, but last week we fished a local tournament on the lake and one of the guys caught a 7lb 9oz walleye pulling plugs. We pulled plugs too and caught several walleye but only one keeper. I'm still learning the whole plug pulling thing. Apparently I need planer boards now because that's what everyone else was using. Kinda funny because the other guys had no idea how to jig fish. Anyway, we caught all kinds of other species too. Northern, catfish, bullhead, and crappie. Trolled between 2 and 3 mph. Seemed pretty fast but was the most effective at about 2.5 mph. By the way, the big walleye was released in our bay, so I'll be fishing for him soon!
The bullhead pictured is from Memorial Day when the family was up to visit for the day. Don't know how Jacob caught him with his dad helping him. The kid must just have natural ability.
It was really windy that day, but the fish were biting (carp and bullheads) on the Smith Lake public dock and the kids had a great time. We're headed up to the cabin again tomorrow and will be trolling the inlet where we caught 'em last weekend. Hopefully we have some nicer walleye pictures to post next week.
Hard to beat a good day fishing off a dock. That's pretty much how I grew up - spending summers at my aunt & uncle's cabin fishin' for bass of their dock. Great memories!
Sometimes you just can't beat dock fishing. One time my dad and my brother left me going out in the boat to fish at Keaton Beach, Florida because i would not get up. I had two fishing poles at the house and went out on the dock with them. They caught nothing and i caught six redfish. I have not blogged about it yet but i plan to soon.
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