Here's a picture of the doe antelope I shot this weekend. Mark and I went the northwestern most county of South Dakota. Hunting was tough because it was the second weekend of the season and the goats really knew where they were safe and where they weren't.
I had a shot at another doe at about 120 yards, but passed it up. I had another doe tag, but really wanted a buck, so I didn't fire. I won't do that again! A guy really gets only a few chances a year to shoot his rifle at game and he should make the most of every opportunity. Mark really made me realize that. By the way, Mark had a tough year. Missed a decent buck because he couldn't "hold steady" while leaning on a fence post. He also missed a doe twice that didn't even startle at the gunshot! Why did he only shoot twice you ask? He only brought two bullets with him on the stalk. Hilarious!
Okay, the story on the doe above. We were driving down a blacktop with public hunting on both sides. About 5 or 6 does were running to the fenceline and I dropped Mark in the ditch to the west of them. I sped east and got on that side of them and dropped into the fenceline. A doe came within 10 yards of me, but I was not ready and it spooked. It ran the other way and crossed the road. I ran over to the other side of the road, but saw only a white butt running away fast. I started walking back to the truck in the ditch and suddenly saw a doe walking straight for me about 50 yards away, coming over a rise. I sat down, turned down the scope to 4 power and sited her in. She was walking quickly. I grunted and she stopped. I squeezed the trigger when she was probably only 40 yards away.
Mark talked me through the field dressing process (first time for me) and I appreciated it greatly.
Mark and I hunted hard for two full days. We walked miles and miles. We drove miles and miles. We stalked, belly crawled and ran for many hours each day after these "ghosts of the prairie". I'm tired, I'm sore, my knee is killing me, and I only shot my gun four times in two days. But it was awesome! The country was beautiful, the sky majestic, the ranchers quirky, and the companionship memorable. Mark, I had a great time! Thanks for another hunt that was successful in ways other than bagging a trophy.
This was a great hunting trip, despite the fact that I could not hit the broad side of a barn. I learned a lot, had a great time, met some nice people and spent a lot of time in some of the most beautiful country around. Needless to say, I am going back again next year. in 2009, Tim and I will have a double buck picture to place on the blog.
Road hunting for antelope, sounds fun to me. Im in-maybe. About the companionship, that scares me. That is not the first time Mark couldn't find something in his scope.
Bard, this isn't broke back mountain, so you and the late Tony Dean are not invited.
Wiadmansheil! Hows that thing taste anyway?!
Tim, nice goat! I wonder if Mark will bring his shooting skills into deer season. Mark you sure seem confident for 2009 and that may be your downfall! I can see you carrying Tim's prize trophy a couple miles because of Tim's "sore" hip or back or ankle or brain or whatever!
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