Nov 30, 2008

No, Deer

Okay, the last day of deer hunting for me didn't produce a doe, but Mark and I did end up getting our limit of pheasants in just one field. Bird hunting is greatly improved now that Adam and company have finally gotten down to business and started getting the corn out of the field!


farmingdakota said...

Actually Tim, you still have until the end of the week this week, and a week in January to fill your doe tag.

BC Clubber said...

Ok, I can't take anymore picture fo your SD/IA pheasants. Next year- FOR SURE- we are coming in December!
Guide me a limit- I'll ensure your name is drawn to turkey hunt at
Gustafson on 1st Day!

TKhunt-n-fish said...

I can't guarantee you a limit because I've seen you shoot. But, yeah, December is the time to come. The corn is out then and there is usually some snow on the ground and the pheasants are thick.

BC Clubber said...

"I can't guarantee you a limit because I've seen you shoot."

what the?! Your name just went to the bottom the of hat. Dude- I have real life "blood" relatives who can take me pheasant hunting, shoot the birds for me, and let me claim them! Major boner Mr. Specialist!

BARD said...

BC Clubber,
I will guide you to a limit. We should be done quickly b/c of your expert like shooting skills. I mean you spent all those years in the military shooting guns, how dare some civilian give you crap about not being able to shoot. P.S. I'll take the spot by gustafsen. said...

what ya give me for a 13 hour sit for a jake??