Two years ago I purchased a rifled barrel w/ a 3x9 scope for my 870. It came in handy this year. Shot this doe at 7:15AM and would have been hard to see with out the scope. 75 yard shot, hit her high on the shoulders and she fell down, straight down. We hot skinned and got her quartered out in about 45 minutes. Dad volunteered to make chislic, needless to say I was a bit nervous. Dad took one of the ribeyes, marinated them, and cooked them on the grill in a cast iron pan. Very delicous and tender and put a great ending to a good day. We also cleaned up 2 extra pounds of bacon in the freezer. Oh, Brian missed badly all day, I think he went through 10 shells. A great day, even if I was the only one to harvest a deer.
Who was it that told you to sit there? Oh yeah, it was ME! I GAVE Bard the primo spot to sit in the morning. If not for me he would have certainly been sitting somewhere with no deer. As for my shooting, I did go through 9 slugs on Saturday without drawing blood. However, in my defense, all 3 deer were running, and all 3 were 80-120 yards. Thats a long shot at a moving target with a smooth bore slug gun. I have made that shot it the past but alas, it was not my day.
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