The morning dove hunt for 2009 was the best 53 minutes of dove hunting I’ve ever experienced. You either shot your limit or ran out of shells or both. We hunted over some prepared sunflower seed field’s and I was limited by 7:18. I ten became bird boy and gun reloader for Christian, who finished his limit55 minutes later, and 7 boxes of shells later! My thumb was blistered from reloading the 870. Theres 45 doves in the pic, it included Troys birds, he finished early too. We had 7 other guys, and as I said they either shot their limit or ran out of shells!
Just like it should be, hot guns and out of ammo. Sounds like Christian is getting the dove fever. Happy eating.
Ah yes, the smell of gun smoke, warm shot gun barrels and dead doves! Nothing better then that.....
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