These are the first two bucks I shot with my bow. The smaller one in 05, the bigger one in 06. In 07 I let one go that was bigger than 05 but smaller than 06. I did get video of him though and will post that sometime. 06 I have on the wall and enjoy looking at him every day. The day I shot him was a perfect November day. Wind was still, temp around 32. He came down a trail I had only ever seen one deer on before so I didn't even have a shooting lane cut. I picked out a small hole in brush and managed to stop him in just the right spot. He was 30 yds out and my Thunderhead sliced him good. He never got more than 60 yards from my stand and I was fortunate enough to watch him expire. It was the longest 30 minutes of my life.
Nice deer and story! But, really, "Rackmaster"? Only on the internet could you get away with such an exaggeration.
Anyone who reads this blog and has shot a larger one with a bow can challenge my claim of Rackmaster. You sir, cannot!
SO here I will have to humble myself, something Gulkers dont do and say I have never shot anything with a bow and even without a bow those are nice deer. Kelly says its a lot easier now than when we were kids so it must be really easy if you can kill these with it. If I hit one with my Jeep can I call myself the Jeepmaster?
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