This pic is my bow buck from 05. Shot it in Dad's field. One of the greatest hunting days in all my life. Wife was gone shopping, I talked my nephew Erik K into watching my daughter, glad I took the risk.
I watched the buck come in from about half mile away. Lost site of him below some terraces. I heard him grunting, so I logically grabbed my grunt call and no more than two grunts on that thing and up he came over the terrace. He was clearly looking for a fight. Steam billowing out of his nose and looking around in all directions. He decided to follow the terrace right to me. My blade cut right through an artery, went 100yds and died. Very fortunate b/c I hit him way high and way back, I think my arrow probably hit some switch grass b/c even my dad could have made that shot (15yds). Adam came out and helped me follow the blood trail/gut/and load him. The cool thing is, VanZantens hired man found my arrow two years later while pheasant hunting. This is a day I will remember all my life.
I will always remember this day as well! It is the most excited I have ever seen Brad! He kept on saying.... "other then the birth of my daughter this is the best day in my life"!
It was a great day! For those of you that know the field he shot this deer in....... you can picture that deer standing on the top terrace.... With steam streaming out if his nose!
Brad would have been looking up at the deer at this point and I bet it looked huge! Nice Deer Brad!
okay This is a greatbuck for a bow..anyone shot one bigger than this with a bow?? You may be the bow master Bard
oops It looks like YOUR brother has..I guess game on LOL
Yes, it is true my brother has shot a bigger bow buck. My hats off. For now. I live amongst some of the nicest deer country a guy could ask for. It will just be a matter of time before I retake the throne. 200 class deer a killed every year adjacent to my hunting land.
I remember this day also. I was home pouring concrete so I missed the call but the message on my cell went something like...(heavy breathing).."I just shot the biggest buck I've ever seen." (More heavy breathing)..."record book buck for sure, 170's at LEAST!" (Heavy breathing) "All I know is if I don't find him I'm never hunting again." (end of message) Then when he got him to Dad's house, I had to pretend to be happy for him, not insansely jealous. When Bard says he hit him a little high and a little back, what he really means is he was about 3 inches away from shooting him in the ass. He got lucky and hit the femoral artery. Then he insults the Big O's shooting ability. This from the guy who had to go home and get more arrows to finish off his 06 basket rack. All I know is I'm glad I shot a bigger one so I can spout off on here (for now).
There is no such thing as a "bow" buck. Pretty sure I have one bigger too in the garage- I use them for ratlling sticks. B&C Club is the world standard for free ranging hunting. They accept both rifle and bow. This is a very nice deer, but there's no "class" for whitetail with bow, it simply says "method." Also- whtitetail geeks, these unofficial scores are well,- whacked.
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