SD Rifle Buck
Two weeks later after harvesting the below bow buck, I managed to rifle this monster. Just shy of 150 class deer. A classic 10, and massive. What makes this hunt memorable is I took my brother in law Tim to video tape and be a pair of "extra eyes". After about an hour of sitting, I had to relieve myslef. I hadnt even zipped up and I saw this buck trotting through the grass. Put the cross hairs on him and it was over. I dont think Tim saw the buck until it was down. Thanks Tim. Possibly the biggest buck I'll ever take. Thanks dad for letting me borrow your 30-06.
I saw this buck right after Brad shot it the first time. He then proceeded to fill the deer with several more 30-06 bullets. But, hey, very nice deer! Heavy too. I remember dragging him across the fenceline.
Can't wait for my chance this year!
Yes Brad that is a massive deer! But there are bigger ones around and your are witness to that as well!
It is only a matter of time before Mark, or Tim or myself dethrone you as the SD Grand Rack Master...... with a rifle that is!
Those are some great bucks...nothing compared to Kellys deer but really really nice...The true Rackmasters brother...
I am sick and tired of hearing bout "kelly's" deer from 1985. JEG, you cant live vicariously through Kelly on these blogs. Although, I was just as lucky to kill my deer as he was his. I appreciate the comments none the less.
Nice Pellet gun or slingshot buck. Now that you've had your opputunity last month to see all the horn power I have in my basement, I think you'd see that this rack ouwld fit in my smallest one- literally!
Still- its a nice buck though, forget about the damn size of the horn, beard, whatever- just shoot one if you want, and have fun.
I will be sick of hearing about your 177&3/8 whitetail- "official" score,.... when you or whoever can get one!
Deal with it!
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