Okay, we got this picture by the deer stand we put up last week. If you had never shot a buck before and saw this one on the first day, would you shoot it or wait for something better??
I don't know for sure, but I think I'd wait and see if something better came along. Am I being too greedy?
On the first day? I would probably leave it. If it were my first buck ever and the last day of the season, I would take it! No mulligan bucks this year, and don't take Mark's advice on this one either!
how hungry are ya?
first day i would leave it.. but if it walked by again i'd give him lead.... it wouldn't be a bad first ever buck.... if you did get him at least you would have one buck under your belt, then next year wait for the Monster!!!!
OK, you have never shot a deer and the question is would I shoot this deer if he came by? Yes I would. Now the question is should you shoot this buck? Is someone with you? Being you have never shot a deer nor cleaned one, I would say you only shoot one if someone who can gut a deer is with you, it sure helps to have someone point out what should be done next and what parts stay and what parts are disgarded. I have seen people through away the back straps and they are the best part of the deer. So either shoot it or dont shoot it, you will be sorry if you do not, But let someone else gut it.
I'd be a hipocrit If I didn't say I would have shot it- different times though. Though if you asked my son- he's passed on bucks like this, and it doesn't seem to bother him. His idea of it is different because of hunting TV, what to shoot. though he hasn't shot a buck yet. My favorite trophies have nothing to do with how big the rak, tooth, or hide was. Clearly you waited- he'll be bigger and better next year, and you still get to go hunt.
Let it walk, TK your 41 years old not 12. If you feel the need to get you first deer out of the way, kill it, if you have the patience to hold out, do so. Let this buck walk and wait for Mr Big. There are plenty of big deer running around with plenty of land to hunt. Try and go hunting more than once, that may help as well. Just my advice.
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