Today was the last day of my 5 day license in SD. (What a screw job) Today was windy, rainy, and cold. After ignoring common sense of wanting to stay home and dry I braved the cold and wet weather. I get to a walk in area near fairview SD and realized I forgot non toxic shot. Like an angel a truck come over the hill and put his blinker on wanting to pull in the same drive that Im in. Turns out he's checking the large pond for ducks. I bartered 10 lead shot for 6 - 3 inch -1 shot steel. Not ideal for pheasants. I walked the edges of this piece all the way around and end up walking through some burrs that stuck to my pants something awfull. I was pissed off, wet, and crabby. Walking back to my truck, busy picking the cockle burrs off my pants, a pair of wet cocks burst from cover. After almost dropping my gun from being scared half to death I manged to bang this double. On cue the third cock flew up as the 2nd one hit the ground. I fired and heard - click. SHIT! I thought I would only load three shells in case I would waste shells on frustration shots at a bird that was getting away. Needless to say a little frustrated on missing the triple I continued towards the truck to miss another cock - three times, the ironic thing was the last shot was definitely a frustration shot.
As hard as it was raining today, I'm sure you actually had 3 wet cocks.
A double in the rain? Not bad. Thanks for the phone call to go with you...Oh wait, some of us have to work on a Wednesday.
Why would I want someone to come along to shoot my birds that my dog scares up. That after walking around in the rain. I decided I needed some time by myself in honor my late friend, Tony.
I call BS! No way did your dog scare up birds in the rain. Your dog hates water. She was probably in the truck sleeping.
Did Tess play the role of Tony?!?
Ok so she was in the same vacinity that the birds flew up in, I will not respond the last half of your message.
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