Oct 22, 2008

My Sympathies to Bard


My sincerest sympathies in the passing of a VERY close friend. We all know how "into" Tony you were. You know after so many years of taking it in the rear from the Democrats, its nice to know you were giving some payback. Stay strong brother.

Tony Dean
PIERRE, S.D. (AP) - Tony Dean, a nationally known outdoor enthusiast who promoted South Dakota with his radio and television shows, died Sunday. He was 67.The Hofmeister Isburg Funeral Chapel confirmed that he died Sunday morning.Dean, whose real name was Anthony DeChandt, returned to his Pierre home last week after being hospitalized for complications from appendix removal.Dean was host and producer of "Tony Dean Outdoors," a regional television show that aired across the Upper Midwest. His radio show "Dakota Backroads" was heard across the region.Dean won more than 160 regional and national awards for his programs. He also served as a press secretary for former South Dakota Gov. Frank Farrar.Dean had been criticized for backing Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign.Darlene DeChandt said her husband's final work before his illness was recording commercials for Obama's campaign. She said if Obama won, Dean was to have been on his transition team.Jason Mitchell of Devil's Lake, N.D., recorded several TV shows with Dean. He said Dean had the courage to stand up to the National Rifle Association when it backed candidates who he felt did not have conservation at heart.


BARD said...

I am in mourning. My relationship with Ted is coming along.

TKhunt-n-fish said...

Does Ted's wife know what you guys are up to?

BC Clubber said...
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