Nov 26, 2009

Orlan's Pheasants Trifecta

Thanksgiving morning could not have been better. The weather was beautiful, cool with the sun shining, one I will not forget in a long time.
For a 61 year old guy with a 9 year old dog, well it is not often that a person gets to shoot a triple, but that is just what this is.
I have hunted this draw for 45 years, went to the back where the cover is the best. Babe was birdie immediately, I saw the grass moving ahead of me when the 1st bird went right, one shot and it dropped, Babe went to retrieve it when the 2nd one went left, one shot and about the time I saw it hit the ground #3 went straight ahead. Well this is the easiest shot and of course I missed the first shot but dropped it with the second. Babe dropped the bird she was retrieving and went for the 3rd bird, I went and got # 2 when Babe brought me #3. I took the bird from her and told her to "find the bird", she went right over to where she had dropped the 1st and brought it to me, I had my tripple in hand.

It was maybe the finest morning hunting I have had in a long time, a guy just does not get to shoot that many triples in his life time and when they go perfect, well that is a bonus and why we hunt those beautiful birds that the Good Lord created. "Thank you Lord"


Weimer said...

Nice Shooting Dad-That is a rareity that it happens that way. A guy doesnt get many chances at that.
Are you sure you didnt shoot em out the pick up window???

Anonymous said...
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BC Clubber said...

It was just a bonus I guess you shot them with that old remington.....