Feb 22, 2010

UNDISUPUTED Turkey Champ 2009

I got sick of looking at Big Louie, so wanted to honor my partner from last year & get pumped for Turkey! What a day. Mark and I set up the big luxurious blind and stretched out to watch the daily turkey parade at you know where. It began with an empty field, I had seen the turkeys that morning leave and head up to the road. Like clockwork, they came out by the old barn, at least 30 turkeys. They came a runnin but mostly gave the blind the evil turkey eye and stayed away. Some hens got close, and one Tom for some reason actually started a B-line for our dekes for some reason, but was his interest was interrupted by a group of jakes that intercepted him and beat him away by numbers, and then he seemed to forget about us. Not long after, Mark took a peek behind us as the turkey moved to our right, and told me there was a big tom moving in the trees. We turned around, and Mark said he couldn’t shoot because of some trees, I had a clear shot and he was rapidly departing gun range. I fired and hit the turkey, and he moved a few feet where mark could shoot, and he dropped him. My shot was merely a little help to get him in plain view, as a master turkey guide, you can do things like that! Waidmansheil!

1 comment:

10pointer said...

That was certainly a great hunt, in spite of the fact, that I sound nothing like a turkey. I demonstrated this inability to Kelly time and time again, which might have impacted their level of interest. The undisputed part is a little grey, but the real deal is between the two of us we got the bird. Good Times!