Christian had an antelope tag for area 32 in Wyoming, a great bargain for a youth hunter at about 150 bucks.
Christian and I and a friend put the stalk on a few, and got to about 4-500yds, too far for Christian to shoot, but the fella with us gave it a try, and missed. the antelope moved off. About an hour later we got to within about 220yds of a small buck, Christian tried but also missed. About an hour later, they moved off over a hill- we followed. we crested the ridge and I couldd see antelope a long way of, but suddenly there was a buck at about 100yds moving uphill towards us. We crept to the edge of the hill on our bottoms, but Christian just couldn't see him. I determined to just wait a second and he was coming right up the hill to us, which he did. Christian dropped him at 53 yds right in his tracks- he was really excited. The other fella got his antelope in the same area the next day- Christians buck measures in at 11 inches- seems "The Specialist" does it again. I am worried about him(TK)- if he really deer hunts, he could be the next deer king at this rate! Next year we'll look for the 12.6 buck. But Tim is right, they are difficult to judge.
That's awesome! Glad it worked out. Yeah, that antelope hunting is a lot of fun! Congrats!
Beautiful! Color me jealous! Happy Hunting!
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