May 21, 2008
"Working" turkeys

May 19, 2008
Really Late Season KS Turkey

Shot this nice and soon to be yummy tasting jake this morning. No dekes, no blind, no calling (well maybe a little calling but not at the birds). Hunted last night watched the birds go into the treeline. Came back in the morning and set up against a tree to wait. Now since turkey camp I havent fired my weapon and I must say that I have probably logged at least 70 hours in the bush since then. Turkeys were gobbling everywhere but AGAIN none stepped out into the field. I moved into a bunch of fall downs and and of course fall promptly into nice little nappy. I woke up to find a group of 4 jakes and 2 hens just entering the field about 50 yards to my left. They began to move across the filed and were maybe 45 yards away when desperation got the best of me. I wish I could tell you that I killed him that far away but after I shot the "stupid" birds didnt know what to do. They spread out all over the field and this moron runs about 30 yards to my left. If I have to say I did anything spectacular its that I shot him on a dead run at that distance. I am thinking maybe the good lord was feeling a bit sorry for me this morning.
May 17, 2008
Late Sesason Ks Turkey

Heres a pic of a friend of mine Brian from work who shot this respectable Tom about 4 miles from where Brain and I shot the jakes earlier this year ( 10 inch beard 1 inch spurs). We gambled on some new spots and he walked off but couldnt find a good area so he was walking back along a road and saw a large group of jakes and a few toms fighting in a field. He set up on the edge no blind, no dekes, no calling. 2 hours later one of the toms came close enough. I on the other hand struck out completely and have pretty much ever since turkey camp. I have enjoyed a great amount of time in the woods this spring though and I still got a few days left to bag another and truly have become a turkey hunting junky going 2-3 times a week much to the chagrin of my wife. Fortunately this is one bird my wife loves to eat so I have that on my side!!!!
May 8, 2008
My first 300 lb pig
Where to begin. I hunted my butt off (hundreds of hours at night) for 2years in Deutschland to get this pig. My friends in Baudenbach werekind enough to let me hunt on their property every full moon for years(pig hunting in Deutschland is mostly done at night). After a hardymeal and a few drinks with Eberhard, Rudy, and "Big" George at the jagdcabin, I took George's advice on stand selection. Rudy was kind enoughto show me where it was. On this particular night, 8 Nov 03, there wasan eclipse scheduled at about 11:00 PM. My friend Shawn and I werestaying late, and he said he wanted to hunt thru the eclipse. So wecrawled into our stands at about 7:00 PM. I remember thinking theeclipse could maybe last an hour. It was a very still night, no snow onthe ground. At about 11:00, the eclipse started. I saw a fox anddebated shooting it, but feared the rifle fire would scare any pigsaway. Hours later, the eclipse was still going, I was quite frustratedafter sitting so many days. My rifle was pointed to the left in myseat. After hearing nothing for 7 hours, I heard one twig snap to myright. I picked up my rifle and pointed it out the right window.Looking thru my binoculars, I saw a shadowy shape moving at a brisk walkfrom front right to rear right. I quickly identified it as a hog, hadenough time to pick up the rifle, swing, sight, and shoot. It was aperfect heart shot. I went to my friend Eberhards house for help, Itold him I had shot a pig and he said "where is it?" I told him we needthe trailer- he said- "oh." We got back to the pig, Eberhard wasexcited as well, he blew the "Sau is Dead" song thru his horn, it echoedthru the spruce forest, it was beautiful. Truly my favorite memory fromDeutschland, and the hardest trophy I ever earned. It's weight was 266lbs field dressed, and had a very fine set of teeth.
May 7, 2008
May 5, 2008
Kelly finally bags one!!
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